NOTE: You can only self-provision Azure AD authentication for a new community, i.e. you cannot add Azure AD authentication to an existing community yourself. If you have an existing community that requires Azure AD please contact us.
Make sure you are signed into the Azure Portal
Choose 'Azure Active Directory' from the sidebar
Choose 'Enterprise Applications' from the directory options
Click 'New Application'
Search 'HunchBuzz' and click it
Click 'Sign up for HunchBuzz'
Grant HunchBuzz the permissions we require
You will then be signed into HunchBuzz
Back in your 'Enterprise Applications', find HunchBuzz and click on it
Click the 'Self Service' box
Set 'Allow users to requset access...' to "yes", choose a group for the users (you may need to create one first) and press save
Once back in the Hunchbuzz Portal, create a new platform
Once you have a platform, you can send your users to the URL - they'll be logged in via their Azure AD account. All new users need to come through your platform URL.
Optional If you want to add administrator users to your platform, you can create a group called 'HunchbuzzAdmin' in your Azure AD and add users to it - they'll automatically be mapped as administrators.