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11 May, 2018
We hope you're enjoying the new look and feel of HunchBuzz. We've had lots of positive feedback - and some suggestions of areas we could make it even better. As part of our new product cadence we're releasing small updates and improvements continuously. Here are the latest changes already in the wild:
You can now switch between card view and list view for both challenges and ideas. Card view remains a graphically rich way to view items and list view provides an alternative horizontal view when you want to sort through multiple items. You can also use the new search box to quickly find or filter challenges or ideas. Look for the view control on the top right.
List view:
Card view:
We've made it easier to move between ideas within a challenge. Instead of returning to the challenge page users can simply page through all ideas. These controls appear on the top right of the idea page.
Some of our customers have had this express feature for a while and now it comes out of the box. A really easy way for people to quickly create an idea from the home page.
By default challenges and ideas are now displayed newest first - because that's what most people are interested in seeing! You can of course still filter and sort to create exactly the right view for you.
You can now define and display a completion date for an idea. We've added this optional field on idea creation that is informational only, acting as a prompt to users that there is a time limit of some kind. Note: The Challenge expiry date function is unchanged.
Thanks for all your feedback on the mobile app, we're making continuous improvements in this area as well. The mobile app is now available to our customers using single sign-on. We encourage users to update their app if already installed (SSO is supported in version 1.4 or higher).
We're on a mission to improve the HunchBuzz admin's life. First off we've updated the graphing on the admin dashboard. The Idea Lifecycle graph how displays as a pie/donut graph - because that's just way easier to read and interpret (and much yummier!). The page views and new ideas graph will now display the last 180 or so days of data rather than from the beginning of the calendar year.
We've improved the user management page to provide a much better experience, especially for platforms with large numbers of users. We've added better pagination so you can scroll through large lists easily and the search box will now perform a dynamic search across all users. Oh, and this page is much, much faster.
We've made a whole lot of changes to improve page load speed and responsiveness across the system. These are mostly pretty subtle but you should notice some significant improvements especially in the Journey/Tracker page where all ideas are presented in one master view. This page was often slow for large platforms, now it flies!
The HunchBuzz Team