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Product Update June 2018

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11 June, 2018

Here's the latest product update rollup for June - big improvements to idea creation and editing, an image gallery full of beautiful graphics to light up your ideas, usability enhancements and continuing to improve the admin features and experience.

General usability

New idea wizard

The new idea wizard provides a better experience for creating and editing ideas. Instead of filling out a form users are now guided through the idea create/edit process step by step:

Included in the idea wizard is a new image gallery to make it easy for creators to attach an illustrative image to their idea. Simply hit "Load More" to display more images or type something into the search box to find a graphic more specific to your idea, then click the image so the big green tick appears:
Note: we'll be adding the ability to upload custom images real soon!

But wait there's more! We've also improved the attachments function to make it easier to add and manage useful attachments to help people understand your idea. These can be images, videos, documents or any file type and you can also now include URL links to other internal or web information sources:

Linked ideas

Don't forget the ability to select and connect one or more similar ideas. See our previous blog post if you missed this.

Top contributors

The home page leaderboard now shows more recent activity over the last three months by default. You can still view the all-time leaderboard by clicking on the "All Time" tab:

Idea now displays challenge name!

Yes, we too can't believe there was no easy way to see what challenge an idea belonged to from the idea page. Rectified:

Quick search within challenges

Likewise there is now a simple way to search through all ideas in a challenge to locate the one you're after. Just start typing and the cards will automatically filter:

Interaction filter

Ever wanted to sort through a long interaction thread? Now you can filter on votes, comments, reviews and admin updates across the thread:

Admin improvements


We continue to improve the dashboard and this month we've made some changes to make it more speedier to load and get to the info you need.

Idea Stage management

Idea stages are an important concept within HunchBuzz and now it's easier to create and manage stages to fit your organization's needs. Deleting an idea stage allows an admin to select where the ideas within that stage should be migrated to:

Bug fixes

As always we've fixed a number of bugs along the way and tried to find subtle ways to make the app more intuitive for you and your users. If you find an problem please raise an issue so we can make the HunchBuzz experience better!

The HunchBuzz Team